Tiny raindrops begin to dot the windshield and I grope the buttons on the steering wheel in the darkness, searching for the wipers. Danny's hand covers mine and guides my fingers to the tip of a long lever as he whispers, "Give it a twist." I feel myself grow wet with arousal as I hold the phallic symbol in my hand and do as he requests. Letting my knees fall open, I grip the steering wheel hard and sit up straight in the leather seat, savoring the friction I create as the cotton crotch of my panties rubs against my core. I look over at him and watch as the headlights from an oncoming car in the next lane skate over his face. He's watching me with a pair of lustful eyes and a sexy grin is plastered to his lips. I don't remember another time when I've been this horny. Returning my eyes to the road, I let one hand slide up his thigh and curl around the neck of the bottle of champagne between his legs, asking, "You don't think they'll miss this?" My fingers slip down the length of the bottle, hovering so closely above his crotch that I can feel the heat radiating off of his body underneath the fabric of his trousers. He shifts in his seat, silently begging to be touched, and a small smile tugs at the corners of my mouth when I realize that he feels as tortured as I do. Exhaling deeply and removing his bow tie as my hand returns to the wheel, he answers, "There was plenty to go around. Besides... this was on our table, so I think we're entitled." Leaning back against the headrest, I laugh, asking, "To the whole bottle? Danny... I think we were supposed to share that with the four other people at our table." Sighing, he says with what I hope is mock seriousness, "Well... we could turn around and bring it back to the country club, if you'd like." My eyes fly to meet his and I can see the laughter behind them as they spark against the darkness. "Not on your life," I say, stroking the side of his face. As he turns his head to lay a kiss in my palm, I finish, "They'll live." I can feel his warm breath as he laughs against my hand, saying, "Good." After a few brief moments of silence, he asks, "Michelle?" "Hmm?" I say to the back of head as he stares out of his window. Turning back to look at me, he questions, "Where are we going?" Payback's a bitch, I think. It's good to see that he shares my impatience. Smiling, I face forward and say, "Ooh, Danny... did you feel that?" When no response comes, I finish, "I just had this overwhelming sense of deja vu. Did you?" Chuckling slightly, he folds his arms across his chest and says, "Very funny, smart ass." Continuing to mock him with his own words, I offer, "We're almost there," as I make a wide turn and pull into a parking spot. With an enormous amount of disappointment in his voice, he asks, "A grocery store? That was your big secret?" Biting my lip to hold back my laughter, I unbuckle my seat belt and say, "It's just a pit stop, Danny. Neither of us finished our dinner, and I'm in the mood for something sweet." When a devilish grin crooks the edges of his mouth, I lean into him and whisper against his lips, "Besides you." His lips graze mine for only the briefest of seconds, sending tiny shock waves throughout my body before I back away and open my door, saying, "I won't be long." Walking around the rear of the car, I cinch his jacket around my middle as the light drizzle of rain tickles my face. "Don't be," he hollers from his open window, and I laugh softly as I step through the electronic doors and make my way to the produce department. Selecting a pint of the plumpest strawberries I can find, I head for the baking aisle, searching high and low for a box of powdered sugar. Finding it, I walk to the express lane and place my items on the conveyor belt. A slightly balding, fat man is ahead of me, paying for a box of Ex-lax, but even that doesn't spoil the sensual mood I'm in. Returning to the car, I start the engine and ease back into the flow of traffic. "Sorry it took so long," I say, watching as Danny digs through the bag with all the excitement of a kid on Christmas morning. "I got behind a constipated man." Laughing, he asks, "You weren't flirting with him, were you?" "Well... he was hot," I joke, looking over at him before I finish, "But I told him that I already have plans tonight." Unable to tear his eyes away from my finger as it draws slow circles over his kneecap, he's shocked when the car lurches to a stop and I announce, "We're here." Looking up, his eyes dart around, trying to pierce through the darkness as I say, "This is my family's cabin." I'm glad that I never brought Jesse here, I think, when I see pure joy replace the questions behind Danny's eyes. Unbuckling both of our seat belts, he pulls me against him and says, "Thank you for sharing this place with me, Michelle." Grabbing the slightly crushed bag of groceries between our bodies and the bottle of champagne, he whispers, "Wait right there," as he bolts out of the door. His body is briefly illuminated by the headlights as he crosses in front of the car, and I kill the engine as he opens my door, chivalrously extending a hand to me to help me out. Pulling me to my feet, he shuts the door behind me, and I lean into it for support as he lowers his head to mine and covers my mouth with his. There is a desperate urgency in the kiss and I tilt my head back in ecstasy, savoring the pressure of his lips as he sucks on my tongue. "I love you," I whisper against his lips when the kiss ends. The words that I was so frightened to say earlier, now fall easily and naturally from my lips. "I love you too," he replies, feathering light kisses over my face as we walk to the cabin, his arm around my waist as I lean into him. There is an electricity in the air and in the distance I hear the babbling of the creek and the chirping of crickets. Trembling with nervous energy, I hand the key to him and watch as he opens the door and turns on the light, looking around at the beautiful, rustic simplicity of the furnishings. Sensing my nervousness, he slides his fingers through my hair and says reassuringly, "It's perfect, Michelle. I love it." Returning his warm smile, I take the bag and bottle from his hands and walk to the kitchenette, grabbing a plate from the cabinet. I can feel his eyes gliding over my body as I pour a generous amount of powdered sugar onto the plate, creating a soft, fluffy mound. Setting it aside, I remove the wrapper from the strawberries and hold them under a cold stream of water. I can feel his breath on the back of my neck as I turn off the faucet and shake the excess water from the berries. Swallowing around the lump in my throat, I am instantly put at ease when I turn to face him and see the look of pure love in his eyes, and his lips seize mine once again. He moves his hands underneath the jacket, working the zipper of my dress down, and I whimper slightly into his mouth as he slips his warm fingers underneath my garter and over the bare flesh of my cheeks, pulling me against him. Quivering with excitement, I grab his shoulders for support, digging my nails into the thin, white fabric of his shirt. Letting my hands slide down his back, I tug at the shirt, freeing the material from the waistband of his pants. When my hands find their way up his bare back, his lips abandon mine as his tongue licks a path down the column of my throat and back up to my ear, dipping in and out like a sensual dance. Feeling myself tumbling towards the abyss, I whisper in his ear, "I want you so much, Danny." "I want you too, Michelle," he answers, his breath like fire as it travels into my moist ear. When he continues his ministrations, I push at his shoulders and finish, "But, I need five minutes." Pulling away from him slightly as I slide the jacket from my shoulders and hand it to him, I see the disappointment in his eyes as he reluctantly releases me from his grip. "Hurry back," he says on a ragged breath. Nodding, I slip into the bathroom and kick off my shoes, quickly divesting myself of my dress, stockings, and garter. Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I grab a tissue and dab at the trickle of perspiration that is inching its way down the valley between my breasts. Smoothing my hair into place with my fingers, I notice that a natural flush colors my cheeks. Smiling, I dig through my purse and locate a tube of lip gloss, dabbing a little into the center of my slightly swollen bottom lip before pressing them together and watching the color spread evenly. I can hear him moving about in the next room as I slip the camisole over my head and inspect my reflection once again, smoothing the cool, soft fabric over my feverish skin. With a pounding heart, I step from the bathroom, letting a small gasp escape from my throat when my eyes skate around the room. I watch the muscles in Danny's naked back stretch taut as he reaches to light the last two candles set high in the window sill. Three on each nightstand and four on the mantle are already burning brightly against the dark room, their flickering wicks creating dancing shadows on the walls and floor. The flames have already started to lick at the wax that surrounds them and the entire room is filled with the sensuous smell of cedar wood. Turning around as he shakes the fire from the match, his eyes meet mine before they glide erotically down my body, and he begins to slowly walk towards me on his bare feet, saying huskily, "You're the sexiest thing I've ever seen." Smiling, I pull his hips against me and devour his mouth with mine, wanting to taste his sweetness all over again. My lips abandon his as I trail kisses down his throat to his smooth chest, my tongue slipping out long enough to taste each salty piece of flesh that my lips touch. Teasing his nipples first with my tongue and then with my teeth, I let my hand slide down his chest to the front of his trousers and I unsnap the button and carefully ease the zipper down over his throbbing erection. His hands find their way into my hair and his breathing is coming in long, slow gulps as he anticipates my touch. "No briefs today?" I ask against one nipple as my hand slips into the fly of his boxers, and I curl my fingers around the thickness of his base. Slowly stroking the length of his shaft, I can feel the blood coursing through him as he pulses against my hand. His fingertips press into my scalp and his grip tightens in my hair as my fingers twist around the sensitive flesh of his head, and I rub the tip with my index finger, feeling the sticky wetness that is already threatening to escape. Kissing a path back up his chest, I silence his moan as I cover his mouth with mine. I continue to stroke the hard heat of him and our kiss becomes fierce and rough as he brackets my face tightly in his hands and forces his tongue into my mouth, sucking the breath from my lungs. Sensing his urgency, I remove one of his hands from my face and together we rid him of his pants and shorts, sliding them down his legs and letting them puddle at his ankles. Breaking the kiss, I step back slightly to look at his naked body as he kicks his feet free from the clothes, licking my aching lips in anticipation as my eyes fix on the beauty of his fully erect penis. As my eyes drift up his body to meet his, I see the want and need in their depths as he blinks heavy eyelids. Reaching for his hands, I lead him to the bed and seat him on the edge of the mattress, letting his legs fall open as I kneel before him on the small oval rug. Without hesitation, I grab him by the base and wrap my lips around him, letting my tongue draw circles around his head and glide over the tip. Drawing in a sharp breath, he entangles his fingers in my hair once again, and I let him slide out of my mouth so that I can make eye contact with him. A small smile curves my lips when I see that he's watching me, and I take him in my mouth again, twisting the flesh of his base as I move my lips slowly and repeatedly down his length and then back up. With each deep plunge into my mouth, I increase the pressure of the hold I have on him between my tongue and the roof of my mouth, sucking hungrily. His hands leave my hair to grip the sheets on either side of him, and I watch as he closes his eyes and throws his head back, muttering, "Christ, Michelle." When his body starts to tremble, I reach around him with my free hand and dig my fingertips into the tight muscles of his ass to steady him as I increase the rhythm of my movements. Shuddering several times inside my mouth, he releases a low, guttural moan as release finds him, and I swallow the essence of him when it fills my mouth and coats my tongue. I watch as the tortured look on his face fades away only to be replaced by one of sheer pleasure, and I smile at the affect I had over him. Opening his eyes when his breathing is restored to normal, he returns my smile and pulls me against him as I stand, laying his cheek against my stomach as he says, "That was incredible." I can feel the sticky moisture and heat emanating from him as the tip of his penis grazes my kneecap, and I lower my head to his, licking my lips as I whisper above him, "Beginner's luck." He looks up at me, and I watch as the candlelight flickers in his eyes when he says in earnest, "I'm glad I was the first." Me too, I try to say as I open my mouth, but the words don't come when he reaches under my camisole, digging his fingers into the skin of my hips as he slips my panties down. Holding onto his shoulders for support, I step out of them as he slips a hand behind my neck and draws me to him, delicately raining light kisses across my lips as he shifts in the bed and pulls me on top of him. I straddle his waist as he leans against the downy pillow propped behind him, and I thread my fingers through his hair as his hands drift from my knees to my thighs, disappearing underneath my camisole. Watching the movement of his hands under the thin material, I lean against his slightly bent knees for support and raise my arms above my head, helping him remove the camisole. His hands slip behind my back to unfasten the clasps of my bra, and when my breasts are finally free, he stares at my nude body intently. "You're beautiful," he whispers, and I feel him beginning to stiffen again beneath me. My body is quivering, begging for his touch, and as I shift my hips to try and ease the ache, I can feel my juices wetting the smooth, flat surface of his stomach. Sensing my need, he reaches out to trace the slope of my left breast. Looking down, I watch his hand move delicately over me and it occurs to me that he's looking for my scar. My body bathed by the moonlight streaming in through the window and the soft, orange glow of the flickering flames, I locate the faint pink scar and lift his hand, pressing one of his fingers into the flesh between my chest wall and my nipple, saying, "Right there." He lovingly caresses it with the tip of his finger before leaning into me and pressing light kisses against it. His hot breath dances over my skin as he whispers, "I'm glad you're all right, Michelle." Moving his hand to the underside of my breast, he cups it as he draws the nipple into his mouth and begins to gently suck. Clutching his head to my body, I press my lips against the scar in the hairline above his right eye and whisper, "I'm glad you're all right too, Danny." We feed each others wounded souls, and in that moment, I feel healed. Pressing one final tender kiss to the scar, his mouth closes over the opposite nipple and I watch his lips move against me as he massages me with his tongue, sucking greedily. Arching my back against his legs, I cover his hand with mine as he kneads the skin of my breast, taking more of me into his mouth. A small whimper escapes my throat as his teeth graze and nip at the sensitive flesh, and when he pulls away, I look down at my engorged nipple and areola as they slide from his mouth. Under the pressure of his lips, the once delicate pink skin now blazes a fiery crimson. Smiling seductively, he keeps his eyes locked on mine as his lips travel down to my stomach. Grabbing my cheeks, he pulls me against his mouth and dips his tongue into my navel as I clutch fistfuls of his hair in my fingers. His hands slide down to the backs of my legs and he scoots me closer towards him so that my knees are pressing into the mattress just below his armpits. Easing his hands up the sides of my body, he raises my arms above my head and leans me over him, placing my hands on the brass rails of the headboard. Curling my fingers around the cool metal, I look down and watch as he continues to press kisses against my stomach, my breasts dangling above his head as my nipples graze his hair. Just before his lips blaze a trail lower, he looks up into my eyes and says seductively, "Your turn," and my grip tightens around the rails in anticipation. Burying his nose into my sex, he nuzzles the wisps of honey-blond curls and says, "Mmm... you smell good." Looking up at me to make sure that I'm watching, he asks, "I wonder how you taste?" Sliding his hands up my thighs, he parts my folds with his thumbs and lightly presses his tongue against my entrance. "Mmm... taste good too," he says, his voice vibrating inside of me. Just when I feel like I'm on the verge of dying from want, he presses his tongue to me again, this time letting it glide agonizingly slowly over first the left and then the right edge of my core. "Oh God, Danny!" I scream as he thrusts his tongue up inside me. The heat from his tongue feels like fire searing my skin, and I feel like I'm on the verge of collapse, but he keeps me steady with a firm hold on my thighs. Leaning my forehead against the rails, the cool metal does little to temper my fevered skin and I cast my eyes downward, watching his head move underneath me as he licks my juices. Plunging his tongue into me over and over again, he teases the swollen nub back and forth before finally seizing it between his lips and sucking voraciously. The first few tremors course through me like waves gently lapping against a shore, and I grip the rails tighter for leverage, preparing myself for the orgasm that is close. I can only manage to mutter Danny's name between gasps for breath and my body convulses violently as my orgasm rips through me like a freight train. I feel the muscles in my vagina tighten and relax just before I collapse around his tongue, and he continues to feed on my essence. When my ragged breathing grows steady and normal, I slide myself down his body, laying on top of him. Raining kisses all over his face as I thread my fingers through his hair, I smell myself on his lips and nose. Kissing him passionately, I taste myself as my tongue slides over his, and I revel in the feel of my erect nipples pressing into his chest. I feel his erection, hard and hot as it presses into my belly just before he rolls me beneath him. My eyes follow his hand as it leaves my body, and I watch as he reaches for a strawberry on the nightstand beside us and drags it through the sugar, bringing it to my lips. I bite half of the fruit, chewing and swallowing the delicious sweetness, and he lowers his head and licks the juice and powder from my lips. Returning the berry to the plate, I watch the juice tint the sugar a pale pink as he creates another trench in the mound, raising it to his own lips and biting into it down to the stem. Lowering his lips to mine, the sweetness in our mouths mingle and I lovingly stroke the sides of his face as the tip of my tongue slides over his teeth and then between them. Outside, the rain has picked up and there is an occasional bolt of lightening followed by a small clap of thunder. I cannot ever remember another time when so many of my senses were alive at once. Reaching for another berry, he feeds me before drawing circles around and over my nipple with the remaining half. Looking into my eyes, he bites into the flesh of the fruit before lowering his head to my chest and flicking his tongue over the peak, sampling the juice from my skin as he suckles. My eyes roll back in my head and I know that I cannot endure this torture much longer. Bringing his face back up to me, I lay his forehead against mine, looking deeply into his eyes as I spread my legs underneath him, whispering against his lips, "I want to feel you inside me, Danny." There is no uncertainty or hesitation in my voice, and he nods his head when he sees that I'm ready. "I love you," he says on a shaky breath, lowering his lips to mine as he reaches down and slowly guides his head into my wetness, and my muscles instinctively tighten around him. A pained grimace plays upon his lips when he encounters my tightness, and I rain light kisses across his face as he gradually slips himself further inside when I begin to relax, pausing so that my body can accommodate his thickness. I cry out into his mouth when he penetrates me completely and I grab the sides of his face as I intensify the kiss. When he withdraws himself almost completely, I reach between our bodies and stroke him, feeling my silky softness wrapped around the length of him. Disentangling my fingers from around him, he holds the wrists of both my hands above my head as he pushes his entire length into me in one complete, steady stroke, uniting us again. The throbbing ache emanating from my core has faded into a glorious pressure, and I lock my ankles together around his hips and nod my head underneath his in encouragement. With his forearms pressed into the mattress on either side of my head, he stares down into my eyes as he thrusts deeply inside of me. When he increases the rhythm and pressure, my hips buck wildly against him and I come up off the mattress to meet each thrust. Sliding my hands down to his ass, I grab the muscles, pushing against them as they flex, encouraging him deeper with each stroke. It's not possible to get close enough to this man, I think, using all the strength I possess to roll on top of him. Sitting up, I press my knees into the mattress, arching my back as I grab his ankles behind me and sink back down on him. I look down at the juncture of our bodies, watching as the hard length of him disappears into my warm softness over and over again, shivering at the feeling of completeness that overcomes me each time he fills me up. Tugging on my nipple with his teeth as my pelvis tilts away from him, he digs his fingers into the flesh of my hips to control the rhythm of our lovemaking. I can feel myself looming close to release and I close my eyes and interlace my fingers with his, pressing our hands into the mattress as we move against one another. Sensing my closeness, he jerks his hips beneath me and rolls back on top of me, pressing the weight of his body against me as he thrusts into me with long, deep strokes. "Open your eyes, baby," he commands, placing his hands on either side of my face. I comply. A sexy grin curves the edges of his lips as he finishes, "I want to watch you come." The timbre and inflection in his voice is enough to send me tumbling over the edge, and I do, muttering his name as I collapse around him. He continues to move within me, straining above me as I wrap my arms around him and lift my body against his, sucking at the warm flesh of his shoulder as the skin of his chest scrapes against my sensitive nipples. When I feel him begin to shudder within me, I force my muscles to tighten around him, squeezing around his hard heat as I help him reach completion. A perfect mixture of pain and pleasure radiates from behind his eyes as he stares down into the depths of mine, and his strokes become shorter and quicker. Muttering my name, he buries his face into the crook of my neck and jerks within me, and a second orgasm rips through me when he comes inside of me. As his hot liquid fills me up, my screams are muted by a huge clap of thunder that shakes the foundation of the cabin and rattles the window. Laughing softly, he asks, "Did you feel that? I think the earth moved." Giggling, I run my fingers through his hair, lifting his lips to mine and kissing him softly before I say, "I'm yours forever... until the day I die. I love you, Danny." "I love you too, Michelle. You and no other," he says, rolling to his side and pulling me to mine to face him. I whimper slightly when he slips out of me, and he smiles as he traces my lips with his finger before kissing me with more tenderness than I've ever felt in my entire lifetime... more than I ever will feel... even if I live to be a hundred.